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The Graduate Institute of Journalism, NTU


Chie-De Li(李志德)

Course: Reporting and Writing (II)


Yu-Fang Liang(梁玉芳) 

Course: Reporting and Writing (II)


Ya-Hui Chen(陳雅慧)

Course: Reporting and Writing

Archie Tse

Archie Tse(謝艾契) 

Course: Visual Journalism 

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Sherry Lee(李雪莉)

Course: Reporting and Writing(I)


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Leh-Chyun Lin (林樂群)

Course: Visual Reporting (II) (III)

COO, CNEX Studio Corp.
Vice President, Director of International Dept., Director of News Dept., Public Television Service, Taiwan.

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Yan-Fu Lee(李彥甫)

Course: News Editing and Information Design

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Yi-Shan Chen (陳一姍)

Course: Reporting and Writing (II)

Senior Journalist, Deputy Managing Editor of CommomWealth Magazine

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郭崇倫 兼任副教授級專業技術人員



1959年出生於台中市,大學先讀台大地質系,後來轉至政治系,畢業於台大政治研究所碩士,獲傅爾布萊特獎學金出國,就讀美國芝加哥大學政治研究所博士班,後轉入新聞界,已工作25年,先在「中國時報」擔任紐約特派記者,後回台北,任職中國時報期間,最後擔任執行副總編輯督導國際新聞與大陸新聞,後曾任商業週刊總主筆、時報周刊總編輯,現任聯合報副總編輯兼影音新聞處國際新聞中心主任、《全球瞭望》節目主持人。 《全球瞭望》為UDNTV的國際時事訪談節目,每周一至周五晚間八時播出,已訪問過的學者專家包括芝加哥大學教授米爾斯海默、國立澳洲大學教授懷特、諾貝爾經濟學獎得主皮凱提、馬英九總統、陸委會主委王郁琦、美國布魯金斯研究院卜睿哲、東京大學教授松田康博等。

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Chao-Hwei Huang (黃兆徽) 

Course: Visual Reporting


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Kuan-Sheng Yang (楊光昇)

Course:Pictorial Journalism

Director of Comprehensive News Unit at Photo News Department, United Daily News

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Li-Ren Liou (劉力仁)

Course: Reporting and Writing (II)

Senior Journalist, The Liberty Times


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Fu-Yuan Shiau (蕭富元)

Course: Advanced Reporting and Writing Seminars

Senior Journalist, Chief of CommonWealth Magazine

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Cheng Kai-Chun (鄭凱駿)

Course: Course: Visual Reporting (II)

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Chan I-I (詹怡宜)

Course: Visual Reporting (II)

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Zhang Jieping (張潔平)

Course: Seminar on Journalism of Greater China Region


Zhang Jieping is founder of, the decentralized media platform launched in 2019. Before that, she was the editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Initium Media, an online Chinese-language publication established in Hong Kong in 2015. Under her leadership, the publication has won 40 regional journalism awards in 3 years. She previously worked as an editor at City Magazine and was the Executive Editor of iSun Affairs, a trailblazing online magazine also based in Hong Kong. She reported on politics, urbanization, and the growth of civil society for Hong Kong’s Yazhou Zhoukan (Asiaweek).

She also served as university lecturer of journalism in University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University from 2018 till now. Between 2007 and 2011, she received awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) for Excellence in Investigative Reporting, Excellence in Human Rights Reporting, and Excellence in Reporting on the Environment. In 2010, SOPA named her Journalist of the Year. In 2011, she received the CKS Award for Aspiring Young Communicators.

Zhang holds an undergraduate degree in economics from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou and a Masters degree in Journalism from the University of Hong Kong.