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The Graduate Institute of Journalism, NTU

Cross- School and Interdisciplinary Course Elective Cooperation

List of signed cross-school departmental cooperation agreement

Cooperating Schools


Conducting Date


National Cheng Chi University

 Graduate school of Journalism

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2001

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

National Cheng Chi University Graduate school of Advertising

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2001

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

National Cheng Chi University Graduate school of T.V broadcasting

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2001

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

National Taiwan Normal University Graduate school of Mass Communication

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2001

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

National Taiwan University of Arts Graduate school of

Applied Media Arts

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2001

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

Fu-Jen University Graduate school of

Mass Communication

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2005

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

Shih-Hsin University Graduate school of


Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2005

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

Tamkang University Graduate school of

Mass Communication

Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2005

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

Shih Hsin University Graduate school of


Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

2nd semester of year 2007

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools

National Chiao Tung University Graduate school of


Cross-school course electives collaboration agreement

1st  semester of year 2009

Graduate students can elect courses cross-schools





































List of campus cross-departmental cooperation

Cooperating units

Items and projects



NTU School of EEC

Multi-media platform experiments


Co-established NTU News Network

NTU department of Atmospheric

Co-established ‘weather news communication’ and ‘T.V meteorology’

2nd semester of year 2006 and 1stsemester of 2007

Co-established by pf. Wen- Chung Peng and Assisting pf. Po-Hsiung Lin from department of atmospheric, opened the 1stspecialized course in Taiwan to combine meteorology and T.V production

NTU department of Atmospheric

Co-produced ‘NTU weather forecast station’

August of 2007

On-line broadcasting

Open a course with NTU department of Dissemination of bio-industry and development

We offer professional courses

From year 2006 till now

‘IT and information society’, T.V news, T.V news magazine and etc. courses

Opened a program course of female and gender studies with female and gender studies group from ‘demographic and gender studies center’

We offer professional backup

From year 2007 till now

‘Qualitative research methods’ and ‘ multiculturalism and communication studies’