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The Graduate Institute of Journalism, NTU


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CHEN-LING, HUNG  (洪貞玲)  

Professor and Director  

Contact Number: (02)33663124
Teaching Field: News and Law, Globalization and Communications, Information Communication and Policies, Political Economy of Communication

Research Expertise: Communication Laws, Broadcasting Policies, Digital Divide, Political Economy of Communication

  • Education

2004        Pennsylvania State University      PA, USAP             hD in Mass Communications

1996        National Chengchi University       Taipei, Taiwan   MA in Journalism

1993        National Taiwan University            Taipei, Taiwan   Bachelor of Laws

  • Work Experiences and Positions

20012.8- 2015.7 Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University       Taipei, Taiwan   Director

2008.8- 2015.7 Graduate Institute of Journalism,  National Taiwan University       Taipei, Taiwan    Associate Professor

2005.8-2008.7  Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University      Taipei, Taiwan    Assistant Professor

2004.8-2005.7  Department of Communication Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University        Taipei, Taiwan  Assistant Professor

1999-2000          Taipei Times (English newspaper)    Taipei, Taiwan  Political Reporter

1999-2000           Liberty Times                                       Taipei,Taiwan  Political Reporter

1997-99              Wealth Magazine                              Taipei, Taiwan  Reporter and Editor

1996-97               Taiwan Daily                                     Taipei, Taiwan   Political Reporter


  • Teaching Courses

Citizen Journalism

Journalism Law and Ethics

Information and Communication Policy

Political Economy of Communication

Globalization and Communication

Media Literacy and College Students


  • Awards and Honors

2011    National Science Council International Research Grant

2010-2011    Fulbright Exchange Scholar Grant

2003    Top student paper in the section of communication technology, International Communications Association

2003    The second place for student paper competition awarded by the Pacific Telecommunications Council

2000        Public scholarship awarded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan

1999        Ambassadorial Scholarship awarded by the Rotary Foundation


  • Research interests

Communication law and policy, citizen journalism, political economy of communication, digital divide, globalization and communication, information society, ethnic and indigenous media  



  • Journal Articles (Published in Chinese Journals unless noted)

Hung, C. (2013). Minority communication rights in the digital age: A case study of Taiwan indigenous citizen journalism platform WATTA. Communication & Society, 25:135-171.

Hung, C. (2013). Media Control and Democratic Transition: Ongoing Threat to Press Freedom in Taiwan. Chinese Media Research, 9(2): 83-93. (English Journal)

Hung, C. (2013). Regulation on media ownership concentration: Two US cases and their implications. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 3(2):113-139。

Hung, C. (2012). Indigenous digital archive and local participation: Taking cultural reservation in Chiahsing Tribe as an example. Journal of Indigenous Peoples' Culture Communication, 2: 22-39.

Yeo, B. and Hung, C. (2011). The economic value of ICTs: An empirical analysis of metropolitan regions. Business Administration and Management, Vol. 1(4), pp.114-122. (English Journal)

Hung, C. (2011). Yu Hong, Labor, Class Formation, and China's Informationized Policy of Economic Development (Book Review). Journal of Information Policy. Volumn 1. (English Journal)

Hung, C. (2011). The boundry of government campaign: Learning from US regulation. ChineseJournal of Communication Research, 20: 2 -23.

Hung, C. (2010). The origin and development of Thai Public Broadcasting Service. Mass Communication Research, 102: 295-325.

Hung, C. (2009). The reflection on judiciary news reporting. Taiwan Bar Journal, 13(9): 46-54.

Hung, C., Liao, Y. and Lin, F. (2008). The domestication and tabloidization of international news: How Taiwan's newspapers cover the WTO meeting in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 14: 77-114.

Hung, C. (2008). When remote communities meet new technology: How social capital works in the operation of the Digital Opportunity Centers in Chichi earthquake disaster area. Mass Communication Research, 95: 145-182.

Hung, C. (2007). Freedom of information and mass media: Reconsidering state secrets. RDEC Bimonthly, 31(3): 61-70.

Lo, S., Kuang, C. Hung, C. and Cheng, K. (2006). Watching the media regulator NCC in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 10: 55-85.

Hung, C. and Liu, C. (2006). The commercial broadcasting regulation. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 10: 27-53.

Hung, C. (2006). Whose media? Whose freedom of speech? The right of access to media in post-martial law era. Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, 3(4): 1-36.

Hung, C. (2006). State regulation and the freedom of speech: A review of the renewal of satellite TV license. Journal of Radio & Television Studies, 26: 51-75.

Hung, C. and Liu, C. (2003). The global public sphere and its practice in the Internet. Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 6: 341-364.


  • Book Chapters (Published in Chinese unless noted)

Hung, C. (2015). Citizen Journalism in Taiwan: A Case Study of an Online Platform PeoPo. In G. Rawnsley and M. Rawnsley (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media. pp. 161-177. London: Routledge. (English)

Hung, C. (2015). Turning rage to hope: New media practice and its meaning in the movement of Anti Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement. In Hung, C. (Ed.).  Sunflower Movement, new citizenry and new media. pp. 16-35. Taipei: Locus Publishing.

Hung, C. (2013). Indigenous digital archive and local participation: Taking cultural reservation in Chiahsing Tribe as an example. In Lo, S (Ed.). Citizen digital archive: Theory x Practice x Rethinking.pp. 55-91. Taipei: National Science Project of Digital Archive and Learning.

Hung, C., Liu, C. and Tang, S. (2012). Content regulation on commercial media: From state authority to social co-regulation. In Liu, C. (Ed.). Reflection and reconstruction of communication policy.Pp.113-146. Taipei: Chuliu Publisher.

Hung, C.  (2009). The evolution and regulation of Taiwan’s terrestrial broadcasting television. The Foundation for Excellence Journalism Award (ed.). Reconstruction of Taiwan media: Rebuilding new media order. Pp.77-102. Taipei: Chuliu Publisher.

Hung, C. (2008). Suggestions on Taiwan’s broadcasting media policy. In Lee, S.etc. NTU Essays on expectation for the new government. pp.279-288. Taipei: NTU Press.


  • Conference Papers

Hung, C. (2016). Indigenous Television in Taiwan: The struggle of independence and public accountability. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 27-31, 2016, Leicester, UK

Hung, C. (2015). Using social media as alternative journalistic practice: News E Forum during the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 12-16, 2015, Montreal, Canada.

Hung, C. (2014). Broadband adoption and low income community: The KEYSPOT project in Philadelphia. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 15-19, 2014, Hyderabad, India.

Hung, C. (2013). Bridging the age divide of broadband service: A case study of the San Francisco Connected Project. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, June 25-29, 2013, Dublin, Ireland.

Hung, C. (2013). Participation and Empowerment: Indigenous citizen reporters, their identity and perception of news. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, June 25-29, 2013, Dublin, Ireland.

Hung, C., Chiu, Y., Hung, H, and Liang, T. (2012). Taking back the rights of telling our culture: An analysis on indigenous news stories. June26-27, 2012. Indigenous journalism and communication conference, Taipei: National Taiwan University.

Hung, C. (2012). Minority communication rights in the digital age: A case study of indigenous citizen journalism in Taiwan. International Conference on Redefining News and Audience. January 6-7, 2012.Hong Kong:Chinese University in Hong Kong.

Hung, C. and Liu, C. (2010). Public media, online journalism and citizen participation: The practice of citizen journalism in Taiwanese public media service. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 17-22, 2010, Braga, Portugal.

Hung, C., Lu, C. and Yeo, B. (2010). Telecommunications Reform and Network Expansion:Lessons from APEC Countries. Presented at 2010 conference of International Communications Association, June 22-26, Singapore.

Hung, C. and Liu, C. (2009). The more, the better?!--The political economy of media liberalization and regulation in a transitional democracy. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 20-24, 2009, Mexico City, Mexico.

Hung, C. (2009). Preserving culture through ICT access and community

participation: Observation on the digital archive project of an aboriginal tribe in Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 20-24, 2009, Mexico City, Mexico.

Hung, C. (2008). Media control and democratic transition: The Taiwanese case. Paper presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 20-25, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.

Hung, C. (2007). Intellectuals and their social practice: A case study of the Campaign for Media Reform in Taiwan. Paper prepared at Union for Democratic Communication annual meeting, October 25-26, 2007. Vancouver, Canada

Hung, C. (2007). Participation, Community building and the digital divide: A case study of the Digital Opportunity Center in rural Taiwan. Paper presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 22-25, 2007, Paris, France.

Hung, C. (2007). Cooperation and empowerment: An exploratory investigation of bringing ICTs to aboriginal communities in Taiwan. Paper presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual meeting, July 22-25, 2007, Paris, France.

Hung, C. and Wei, T. (2006). Media reform in Taiwan: A critical review of the withdrawal of government shareholdings in electronic media. Paper presented at IAMCR annual meeting, July 23-28, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.

Hung, C. (2005).The political economy of telecommunications liberalization in Taiwan--A case study of the opening-up of fixed-network telecom service. Paper presented at IAMCR annual meeting, July 25-28, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hung, C. (2004). State, market and information control-- Internet policy in China. Presented at 2004 conference of International Communications Association, May 26-30, New Orleans, LA.

Hung, C. (2003). Unequal development—the digital divide in Taiwan. Presented at North American Taiwan Studies Association annual conference, June 19-21, Routgers University, NJ. (in Chinese)

Hung, C. (2003). Income, education, location and the Internet--The digital divide in China. Presented at 2003 conference of International Communications Association, May 23-27, San Diego, CA.

Hung, C. (2003). Telecommunications liberalization and network expansion--The experiences of APEC countries. Presented at 2003 conference of International Communications Association, May 23-27, San Diego, CA.

Hung, C. (2003). Does telecommunications liberalization contribute to efficiency? Lessons from the APEC countries. Presented at 2003 conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council, January 11-15, Honolulu.

Hung, C. and Liu, C. (2002), The global public sphere and its practice in the Internet. 2002 Conference of International Communications, December 6-7, Tamkang University, Taipei. (in Chinese)

Hung, C. (2002). The Internet and the public sphere: A hope of democracy or an illusion? Presented at 2002 conference of Union for Democratic Communications, October 11-13, State College, PA.

English CV Link

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LIH-YUN, LIN ( 林麗雲)



Teaching Field: History of News, Media Sociology, Communication Theories

Research Expertise: History of Communications, Media Sociology, Comparative Communication System



M.A. Graduate School of Journalism, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Ph.D. Centre for Communication and Information Studies, University of Westminster, UK,

Research Interests

Comparative media systems

Media sociology

Media history

Media reform movements


Academic Experiences

Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, National Taiwan University(August, 2010 –present)

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, National Taiwan University (August, 2006 –July, 2010 present)

Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Communication Studies, Fujen University (August,2004 –July, 2006)

Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Communication Studies, Fujen University (August, 1998 –July, 2004)


Honors and awards


Outstanding Faculty Teaching Awards (教學優良獎), National Taiwan University


Outstanding Faculty Teaching Awards(教學優良獎, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University


Tseng Hsu Bai Journalism Awards, Academic Research  (曾虛白學術研究獎)Representative Work: History of Communication Studies in Taiwan.


Distinguished Research Paper Award, Chinese Communication Association Annual Conference(中華傳播學會年度傑出論文獎)


Distinguished Research Paper Award, Chinese CommunicationAssociation Annual Conference(中華傳播學會年度傑出論文獎)


Research Grants, National Science Council, Taiwan


Ministry of Education (MOE) Scholarships for Studying abroad


Professional1 Services

* Member of editorial board, Asian Communication Research (South Korea),(2015 to present)
*Member of editorial board, Asian Communication Research (Korea) (2015-present)
*Member of editorial board, Journal of Communication Research and Practices (2014-present)
*Member of editorial board, Communication Culture and Politics (2014-present)
*Member of editorial board, NTU Journalism Forum (2006-present)
*Member and Member of the Executive Committee, Campaign for Media Reform in Taiwan (2003-present)
*Member of the Trustee Board, Media Watch Taiwan (2003-present)
*Member of the Executive Committee We report Crowdfunding Journalism Platform (2011-present)
*Member of the News Complaints Committee, Public Television Service (2009 to present)
*Member of the Public Values Committee, Public Television Service (2014 to present)
*Member of the Quality Programs Committee, Hakka Television Service (2014)

Journal Articles

Lin, Lihyun , & Lee, Chun-yi. (2017). When Business Met Politics: A Different Type of Media Captial in Taiwan, the Case of Want Want. China Perspective(2), 37-46.

Lin, Lihyun, & Yen, Chih-hung. (2016). The tourch in media reform movement in Taiwan: Professor Hsu, Chia-Shu. Journal of Mass Media Studies(127), 191-206.

Lin, Lihyun. (2016). The Practices of Students at "NTU E News Forum" in the Sunflower Movement. [The Practices of Students at "NTU E News Forum" in the Sunflower Movement]. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 6(1), 251-269. doi: 10.6123/jcrp.2016.010

Lin, Lihyun (2015). Campaign for public television after Taiwan’ second power transfer in 2008. Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Science, 53(2), 49-88.

Lin, Lihyun (2013). Crisis and transformation of production paradigm in Taiwan's journalism Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 3(1), 23-27.

Lin, Lihyun (2013). Public interests in UK’s media merger regulations: a case study of the News Corp/ BSkyB Merger. [Public Interests in UK's Media Merger Regulations: A Case Study of the News Corp/BSkyB Merger]. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 3(2), 87-112.

Lin, Lihyun (2012). Public journalism: Local practices in Taiwan The Journalist Forum(11), 119-131.

Lin, Lihyun (2011). Regulating private capital and defending public responsibilities :  the evolution of television system in South Korea. Mass Communication Research, 107, 1-45.

Lin, Lihyun (2011). Debates and changes on the regulations of product placement in the U.K. [Debates and Changes on the Regulations of Product Placement in the U.K.]. Chinese Journal of Communication Research(20), 45-63.

Lihyun Lin , Chinhwa, Chang. (2011). Is “The Budget Act” article 62-1 amendment enough?—suggestions about how to regulate government messages. The Journalist Forum, 10, 87-105.

Lin, Lihyun (2008). A historical experiment with deregulation: the changes and challenges of the press after the lifting of the press ban in Taiwan. Mass Communication Research, 95, 183-212.

Lin, Lihyun (2008). The press reform in Korea. Mass Communication Research, 97, 257-282.

Lin, Lihyun (2006). Capital formation in Taiwan's television under the authoritarian rule. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 9, 71-112.

Lihyun Lin , Chingting Wang. (2006). Public service broadcasting and creative industry : the case of New Zealand. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 10, 155-192.

Lin, Lihyun (2005). Authoritarian states and television:a comparative study between Taiwan and South Korea. Mass Communication Research, 85, 1-34.

Lin, Lihyun (2005). Media reform movement in Taiwan: A historical reviewTaiwan Historical Materials Studies, 24, 175-195.

Lin, Lihyun (2003). The translation of knowledge into action : campaign for citizens’ TV. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, 50, 145-169.

Lin, Lihyun (2002). Dependent development ? the paradigm shifts in Taiwan's communication research. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 創刊號, 103-138.

Lin, Lihyun (2001). Public sphere and public media: the reflectioin of the British Academics and implications to Taiwan. The Contemporary 164, 68-87.

Lin, Lihyun (2000c). A critical overview on the study of journalism history in Taiwan. Journal of Communication & Culture, 8, 177-211.

Lin, Lihyun (2000b). The contradiction and transformation of client press under Taiwan’s authoritarian regime1949-1999 (Vol. 3). 台北: 遠流圖書公司.

Lin, Lihyun (2000a). The study and approaches of communication history in the midst of a paradigm shift in Taiwan 's communication studies. [The Study and Approaches of Communication History in the Midst of a Paradigm Shift in Taiwan's Communication Studies]. Mass Communication Research(63), 35-54.

Lin, Lihyun (1999c). The rise of left academics in the UK: the case of CCIS, the Uniiversity of Wesminster Communication Research Newsletter(20), 10-12.

Lin, Lihyun (1999b). The voices of a left intellectual: Colin Sparks. Journal of Communication & Culture, 7, 239-256.

Lin, Lihyun (1999). Allocatioin of internatioanl airwaves: The hegemonic crisis perspective Journal of Communication & Culture, 7, 101-134.



Lin, Lihyun (ed.). (2013). An introduction to data journalism Taipei Quality journalism association.

Lin, Lihyun, & Lai, Cho-chen (ed.). (2013). Voices from local: A collecton of farmers' writings. Taipei: Da-Kuan Publisher

Lin, Lihyun (2004). History of communication studies in Taiwan: The production of knowledge.Taipei: Chu-liou Publisher


Book Chapters

Lihyun Lin (2017). Country Analysis, Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2017,  Reuters Institute For The Study of Journalism / Digital News Report 2016.
Lin, Lihyun (2013). Open journalism, open data: the case of the Guardian. In L. Lin (Ed.), An introduction to data journalism Taipei Quality journalism association.

Wang, Weiching, Lin, Lihyun, & Lo, Shih-hung. (2012). Press policy in the midst of technological changes Scarcity in abundance: Reflection and Reconstruction of Taiwan's media policy (pp. 147-184). Taipei Chu-Liu Publisher.

TI, Wei, & Lin, Lihyun (2012). Thirty years of predicaments: The evaluation of public television in Taiwan Scarcity in abundance: Reflection and Reconstruction of Taiwan's media policy (pp. 1-30). Taipei Chu-Liu Publisher.

Lin, Lihyun (2011). The pursuit of public values: Media reform movement in Taiwan. In Y.-P. Lin (Ed.), The long road of media reform in Taiwan: 1999-2000 (pp. 27-45). Taipei: Foundation for media reform in Taiwan.

Lin, Lihyun (2010). Public Discourses on the Korean Wave in Taiwan. In D. Y. Jin (Ed.), Global Media Convergence and Cultural Transformation: Emerging Social Patterns and Characteristics. New York: IGI Global.

Lin, Lihyun (2009). Changes and challenges: The Taiwanese newspapers after deregulation Reconstruction of Taiwan's media (pp. 177-198). Taipei: Chu-Liu Publisher.

Lin, Lihyun (2009). Surviving in Crisis: The discourses of media reforms in Taiwan,2008-2009 2009Press Yearbook (pp. 25-45). Taipei:: Government Information Office.

Lin, Lihyun (2004). History of communication studies : Major approaches In S.-c. Weng (Ed.), Imaginations in Taiwan's communication studies (pp. 25-84). Taipei:: Chu-Liu Publisher

Lin, Lihyun (2002). Communications in Taiwan: A historical perspective Taiwan in the 20th Century (Vol. 3, pp. 12-27). Taipei: Yuan-Liu Publisher.

Lin, Lihyun (2001). The discourse of the post-war press in Taiwan: Minpou Proceedings of media and environmental conference (pp. 7-26). Taipei Graduate Institute of Mass Media Studies, Fujen University

Lin, Lihyun (2001).Contradictions of press freedom. Retrospects and Prospects of Communication Law in Taiwan in the 20th century. Taipei: Communication research center, National Chengchi University.

Lin, Lihyun (2000). Media criticism and media systems. In K.-H. Chen (Ed.), Cultural Studies in Taiwan (pp. 373-374). Taipei Chu-Liu.


Selected Commentaries in English Newspapers

Lihyun Lin (17 Feb, 2003). Media Needs Emergency Overhaul. Taipei Times, p.8.

Lihyun Lin (16 Nov, 2005). Society has a key role to play in reforms. Taipei Times, p. 8.

Lihyun Lin (24 Jan, 2007). Taiwanese public TV like a ship lost at sea. Taipei Times, p. 8.

Lihyun Lin, Ti Wei, Chad Liu (20 March, 2011). Proposed amendments a step back. Taipei Times, p. 8.

Lihyun Lin,(26, April, 2014).Trade protection for cultural items. Taipei Times.

English CV link


Art editor Img



Contact Number: (02)33661738
Teaching Field: Visual Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Multimedia Authoring, In-depth Reporting



Ph.D, Communication , Shih-Hsin University
M.S., Journalism, Cheng-Chi University
B.S., Philosophy, Cheng-Chi University



2016-2018 Director of Graduate Institute of Journalism 
2015-         Professor of National Taiwan University
2012-2015 Associate Professor of National Taiwan University
2011-2012 Associate Professor of National Chiao Tung University
2007-2010 Assistant Professor of National Chiao Tung University
2004-2005 Common Wealth Magazine
1987-2004 The China Times newspaper
1985-1987 TTV News



new media research, audience rating research, environmental communication, public sphere, investigative journalism, science communication, immersive journalism


Publications, Projects and Honors

Journal Articles

Lin, C.C.(2018). Contextualizing fake news: A case study on contra-flows of the Arab world. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 8:1-26.(TSSCI)
Lin, C.C.(2017).. Terrorism and the press: A study of the war on terrorism, islamophobia and Al Jazeera. Mass Communication Research, 133:1-41
Lin, C.C.(2016).From the global south: The Research on journalism convergence in Al Jazeera. Mass Communication Research, 129:97-142 (TSSCI)
Lin C.C.(2015). The analysis and critique of the strategies and Influence on the quality of newspapers through convergence:A case study of 4 mainstream newspapers in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 23:3-34 (TSSCI)
Lin C.C.(2015).From the Global South: The Research on Journalism Convergence in Al Jazeera. Mass Communication Research.(Accepted)(TSSCI)
Lin C.C.(2015). The analysis and critique of the strategies and Influence on the quality of newspapers through convergence:A case study of 4 mainstream newspapers in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research,  (Accepted)(TSSCI)
Lin C.C.(2015).A study on the ratings practice of TV news coverage in China: An examining about a city-based television channel. Communication and Society, 32, 135-165。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2014). The influence and impact of convergence in the transformation for traditional newspapers: A comparative study at the New York Times and the Guardian. Mass Communication Research. 120, 1-45。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2014). The emergence of data journalism: A challenge of journalists tell stories with computer software in the post-printed age. Journal of Communication Research and Practice. 4(2), 93-116。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2013). Why convergence: An analysis and critique of the television news coverage from the perspective of new media technology in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 23,3-40。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2013). Exploring TV news coverage of disaster: A case study of typhoon Morakot. Mass Communication Research. 115, 141-185。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2011). New bottle, fake source? Translating produce placement for new media. Chinese Journal of Communication Research,20, 95-114。(TSSCI)
Lin. C.C.(2011). Dominance of audience ratings: A study on the power games between media buying services and commercial television. Mass Communication Research. 107, 89-132。(TSSCI)


Lin, C. C.(2015).Aborigines and Disasters: The Plight of the Aborigines Overlooked by the TV Media during Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. China Media Research,   11(3), 21-30
Lin, C. C.(2013). Convergence of new and old media: new media representation in traditional news. Chinese Journal of Communication. 6(2),183-201. (SSCI)

Refereed Conference Papers


Lin, C.C.(2017).How is the Department of Journalism at NCCU Becoming Insignificant? A Case Study of Journalistic Educational Change on Undeclared Major in College of Communication (NCCU) through Convergence. 2017 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society, Taipei: National Taiwan Unoversity.

Lin, C.C.(2016). Terrorism and the press: A study of the war on terrorism, islamophobia and Al Jazeera. 2016 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society. Chiayi: National Chung Cheng University.

Lin C.C.(2015).From the Global South: The Research on Journalism Convergence in Al Jazeera. 2015 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society. 

Lin C.C.(2014). Social media and news manufacturing : A comparative research on social media of global media news websites through the perspective of convergence.2014 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society.

Lin C.C.(2013). The influence and impact of convergence in the transformation for traditional newspapers: A comparative study at the New York Times and the Guardian. 2013 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society.

Lin C.C.(2012). Why convergence: An analysis and critique of the television news coverage from the perspective of new media technology in Taiwan. 2012 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society.

Lin C.C.(2012). A study on the ratings practice of TV news coverage in China: An examining about a city-based television channel. 2012 Academic Conference of History of International news. 

Lin C.C.(2011). New bottle, fake source? Translating produce placement for new media. 2011 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society.


Lin, C.C.(2014). Where is the Limit of Big Data?: A Case Study of Journalism Practices Pertaining to Datasets of E-Government in Taiwan. The 20th ITS Biennial Conference will be held in Rio de Janeiro from November 30 - December 3, 2014. 2

Lin, C.C.(2014). Convergence of Journalism and Social Media: An International Comparative Study of Ten News Web Sites in the East and West. 2014 International Communication Association ( ICA) Regional Conference , Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. 2014, 10, 1-3.

Lin, C.C.(2012, 12).A second life of the New York Times: Digital convergence models of news work in a hybrid newsroom. Annual International Conference on Journalism & Mass Communications (JMComm 2012)Singapore.

Lin, C.C.(2011, 6).Convergence and critique of the news content of traditional media and new media. 2011 International Telecommunications Society Asia-pacific Regional Conference. Taiwan, Taipei.

Lin, C.C.& Su,I.C.(2011). Hate and internet democracy: A case study of anti-death penalty in Taiwan. The International Second Hatred Conference. Gonzaga University, Washington.

Lin, C.C.(2011).Digitizing the science: A case study of energy conservation & carbon reduction reports in Taiwan. The 2011 International Forum for a low carbon vision. Taipei : Chingaisi Memory Hall.

Lin, C.C.(2010). Aborigines and disasters: The plight of the aborigines overlooked by the TV media during typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. Paper presented at 8th Biennial Conference of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, PACA 2010, Shenzhen University, 16-18th July 2010.


Lin, C.C.(2017).News, on the crossroad: The transformation and convergence of journalism in the digital age. Taipei: Linking.   
Lin, C.C.(2017).Digital technology is changing economy now: The reports made by younger generation. Taipei: Graduate Institute of Journalism, NTU.

Art editor Img

TAI-LI, WANG  (王泰俐)


Contact Number: (02)33669840
Research Expertise: Lectures on Current News Issues, T.V News Magazine, News Media and Gossip Culture, Communication Research Methods, Digital Media Internship
Expertise: Media Effects, T.V News, Gossip Culture, Cyber Communication, Political Communication


Present Position:

Director of Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, 2015, August -present

Director of Multimedia Center, National Taiwan University, 2015, August -present

Professor of Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, 2012-present


Past Position:

Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, 2008-2012.

Associate Professor of Department of Journalism, National Cheng-Chi University, 2006-2008.

Assistant Professor of Department of Journalism, National Cheng-Chi University, 2002-2006.

Director of Television News Research Lab, National Cheng-Chi University, 2006-2008


Practical Experience (1994-1998):

News Announcer of Formosa Television News

In-Depth Television News Report of Taiwan Television News



B.A., Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University

M.A, Journalism Department in Communication School, University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Ph.D. Journalism Department in Communication School, University of Texas at Austin, USA.


Journal Articles:

  1. Tai-Li Wang (2020),” Does Fake News Matter to Election Outcomes? The Case Study of Taiwan’s 2018 Local Elections”, Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, Vol. 8 No.2 May 2020: 67-104.
  2. Tai-Li Wang (2019), Fake News and Democracy Crisis, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 2019 Dec.
  3. Tai-Li Wang (2014), “The Usage Behaviors, Motivations and Gratifications of Using User-Generated Media: The Case Study of Taiwan’s YouTube”, Advances in Journalism and Communication, 2014,V2, No.2.
  4. Tai-Li Wang (2014), “Gender differences in Taiwan's Journalists' Blogs”, Information and Society Research (In Chinese).
  5. Tai-Li Wang (2013), Facebook Election? The Impacts of Social Media on Political Participation Behavior in 2012 Taiwan's Presidential Election, Soochow Journal of Political Science, V31(1),p.1-52.(in Chinese)
  6. Tai-Li Wang (2012), “Presentations and Impacts of Market-Driven Journalism on Sensationalism in Global TV News”, International Communication Gazette, 74(8) 711–727.
  7.  Lin Wan-Yin, Lo Ven-Huei and Tai-Li Wang (2011), “Bias in television foreign news in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol. 4, No. 3, p.293-310.
  8. Tai-Li Wang (2012),Comparative Studies on Incumbent and Challenger Candidates' Online Campaigning Strategies in 2009 Taiwan's Local Elections, Advertising Research,V36,p.31-69
  9. Tai-Li Wang (2011), Textual Analysis and Audience Research of Governmental Imbedded Messages in Television News Programs, Chinese Communication Journal, V 20, p.25-43. (In Chinese)
  10. Tai-Li Wang (2010) , A Comparative Study of Campaign Blogs and Web Sites: The Case of Taiwan’s  2008 Legislative Election, Online Information Review, V34(2), p229-249.
  11. Tai-Li Wang, Rebecca Chow & Ven-huei Lo (2010), The Tabloidization of Taiwan’s International Television News, Communication and Society, V32, p.1-22. (In Chinese)
  12. Tai-Li Wang & Akiba Cohen (2009) (June), Factors Affecting Viewers’ Perceptions of Sensationalism in Television News: A Survey Study in Taiwan, Issues and Studies, V45(2), p.125-157.
  13. Tai-Li Wang (2009), The Impacts of Commercial Imbedded Messages in Television News Programs: Identity Disclosure, Product Types and Imbedded Strategies, Advertising Research, V32, p1-22. (In Chinese)
  14. Tai-Li Wang (2009), Reception Analysis of Tabloid Television News, Communication and Management, V8 (2), p.3-36. (In Chinese)
  15. Tai-Li Wang (2006), “The Impacts of Sensationalism in Television News on Audience Reception”, Mass Communication Journal, V.86, p.91-133. (in Chinese)
  16. Tai-Li Wang (2006), Media Spectacle and Democracy Crisis (Book Review), Democracy Journal, V3 (4), p.197-204. (in Chinese)
  17. Tai-Li Wang (2004), “The Exploratory Research of Sensationalism in Television News”, Mass Communication Journal, V.81, p.1-42. (In Chinese)
  18. Tai-Li Wang (2004), “When Political Parody Show Becomes Morphine: the Anti-Cultivation Effects of Taiwan’s Political Parody Shows”, Radio and Television, V.22, p.1-24. (In Chinese)
  19. Tai-Li Wang (2003), “Dual Texts in Television News: A McLuhan’s Perspectives”, Chinese Communication Journal, V4, p.145-184. (In Chinese)
  20. Tai-Li Wang (2003), “Whose Interactive Websites: The Changing Definitions of Interactivity in Taiwan’s 2000 and 2002 Election Websites, Mass Communication Journal, V77, p.107-141. (In Chinese)
  21. Tai-Li Wang (2003), “The Interactive Effects of Web Political Communications”, Election Studies, V11 (2), p.93-134. (In Chinese)
  22. Tai-Li Wang (2002), Whose Interactive Channel? Web Interactivity Defined in the 2000 Taiwan’s Presidential Election, Asian Journal of Communication, 12(2): 50-78.
  23. Tai-Li Wang (2001),”Agenda-Setting Online”, Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 15(2): 59-70.


1. Tai-Li Wang(2011), Sensationalism In Television News: Theories and News Practices,Taipei: Wu-Nan Publisher。(Reviewed by National Science Council)

2. Tai-Li Wang(2009), “Television News Writing”,in News Writing, edited by Shih-Ming Chen, Taipei: Wu-Nan Publisher。

Research Projects (Recent Five Years):

1. National Science Research Project: New Media and Civic Movement (2014.7.31-2016.7.31)

2. National Science Research Project: The Participant Culture of User-Generated Websites (2011.8.1~2014.1.31)

3. National Science Research Project::Changing Definition of “News Professionalism”: The Influence of Blog Culture on News Professionalism


4. National Science Research Project::Communication Content and Behavior of Web Blogs92008.8.1~2010.7.31)。

5. National Science Research Project: Sensationalism in Television News (Book Writing Projec) (2006.8.1~2009.7.31)

Conference Papers: (Recent Five Years)

Tai-Li Wang (2019), “ Does Fake News Matter to Election Outcomes”-The Case Study of Taiwan’s 2018 Local Election “, IAMCR, Madrid, Spain, July.

Tai-Li Wang (2015), The Impacts of Group Psychology on Civic Movement Participation: The Case of Sunflower Movement, Conference of Chinese Communication Association, Kaohsiung: Yi-Da Univeristy.

Tai-Li Wang (2013), From News Receiver to News Produser -The New Relationship between Journalists and Audience in Web 2.0, paper presented in 2012 Media Asia conference, Osaka, Japan.

Tai-Li Wang (2010), Comparative Studies on Incumbent and Challenger Candidates' Online Campaigning Strategies in 2009 Taiwan's Local Elections, Conference of Advertising and Public Relations, Taipei: National Cheng-Chi University.

Tai-Li Wang (2010), Market-Driven Sensationalism in Global TV News,paper presented in 2010 AEJMC,Denver, USA.,August 5-10.

Tai-Li Wang (2010,)A Comparative Study of Campaign Blogs and Web Sites: The Case of Taiwan’s 2008 Legislative Election,,paper presented in the Division of Communication Technology , Singapore.June 21-26,

Tai-Li Wang (2009), A Case Study of Taiwan’s Product Placement Research and Its Implications for Global Television Programs, paper will be presented in the Division of Global Communication, 2009 ICA, Chicago, USA.

Tai-Li Wang(2009),Sensationalism and Conflict in Foreign Television News, paper will be presented in the Division of Mass Communication, 2009 ICA, Chicago, USA.

Tai-Li Wang (2009), The Ethical Dilemma of Product Placements: The Impacts of Product Placements on News Credibility in TV News Programs, paper will be presented in the ICA Media Ethics Preconference, 2009 ICA, Chicago, USA.

Tai-Li Wang and Dennis Peng (2008), “The Civic Journalism Website and Its Implications in the Digitalized Media Environment: The Case of Taiwan’s Public Broadcasting Station,” paper presented in Conference of Digital Convergence and Institutional/ Cultural Changes of Public Broadcasting, Seoul National University, Seoul.

Tai-Li Wang (2008), “When Journalism and Marketing Intersect in TV News Programs: A Taiwan’s Case Study in Current Product Placement Research,” paper presented in the Panel of Chinese Communication Referred Session, 2008 AEJMC, Chicago.

English CV Link

Art editor Img

LIN-LIN, KU (谷玲玲)

Associate Professor

Contact Number: (02)33663122

Teaching Field: Statistics for Communication Studies, IT and Information Society, News Writing in English, Media Internship
Research Expertise: Communication Technology, Media Management, Cyber Communications, Mass Communication


Art editor Img

Ji-Lung Hsieh (謝吉隆)

Associate Professor

(02) 33669867

Web Page : C.C.Lab

No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, 10617


  • Data Analysis in Journalism
  • Web Design for Storytelling
  • Social Media and Public Opinion Analysis
  • Journalism Processing and Visualization
  • Augmented/ Virtual Reality Applications on Journalism


  • Online community analysis
  • Quantified-self and lifelogging
  • Eye-tracking
  • Social network analysis
  • Digital game and society
  • Social simulation


  • Ph.D. Department of computer science, National Chiao-Tung University (2008)
  • M.S. Department of computer science, National Chiao-Tung University (2004)
  • B.A. Department of computer and information science, National Chiao-Tung University (2002)


  • 2017.08~ Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Journalism National Taiwan University
  • 2016.02~2016.07 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science National Taiwan Normal University
  • 2010.02~ 2016.01 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science National Taiwan Normal University
  • 2009.08~2010.01 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science University of Taipei



  • Hsieh, J. L.  (2017, Feb). Author publication preferences and journal competition.. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(2), 365-377. (SSCI, 18/85, Information Science & Library Science). MOST 102-2511-S-003-037-MY3.
  • J.L. Hsieh, P.C. Shen, L.W. Yang 2015). Designing and Evaluating User Interface for Assisting News Navigation and Retrieval. Journal of Library and Information Science Research, 9(2), 149-189. (TSSCI)
  • Y.L. Wen , J.L. Hsieh (2014) . Informetric Analysis on Open-Access High Productivity Authors in Biomedical Area. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 51(2), 199-224. doi:10.6120/JoEMLS.2013.512/0582.RS.AM (TSSCI)


  • Hsieh, J. L. & Chiu, L. C. (2014). Structural and trend analysis of tagging as a mechanism for organizing learning resources. Liu, C.-C. et al. (Eds.) (2014). In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. (Overall Best Paper Award: 1/261, Acceptance rate: 25%)
  • Hsieh, J. L. & Yu, C. Y. (2014). An analysis on the rhythm of social media use. In Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health. Tokyo, Japan.
  • Hsieh, J. L.,  and Yu, C. Y. (2017). Speed as context of app usage in daily life: A data analysis method.  2017 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (PNC), Tainan, 2017, pp. 168-173. doi: 10.23919/PNC.2017.8203539

Invited Speeches

  • 2016.11.09 - A Workshop on conducting eye-tracking by portable eye-trackers and open software. Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
  • 2016.06.04 - Play to learn: How mobile games can be good for our kids? CITE Research Symposium 2016 "Engaging Learners: Games and Flipped Learning". The University of Hong Kong

Honors and awards

  • Overall Best Paper Award. Hsieh, J.L. & Chiu, L.C. (2014). Structural and trend analysis of tagging as a mechanism for organizing learning resources. Liu, C.-C. et al. (Eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.

Professional Services

  • Secretary General of Chinese Communication Society (2016.08~2018.07)

Chinese Editor of Journal of Library and Informa

Art editor Img

Adrian Rauchfleisch   (劉好迪)

Associate Professor 

Contact Number: (02)33663123


Ph.D. University of Zurich, Switzerland

M.A. University of Zurich, Switzerland

Teaching Field: Social Media and Social Network Analysis, Networked Journalism

Research interests: social media, journalism studies, political communication, methods for communication science, social network analysis

Academic Experiences

Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University (2018-now)

Assistant Professor at the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University (2018-2021)

Senior Reserach and Teaching Associate at the Department of Science, Crisis & Risk Communication at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ), University of Zurich (2017 -2018)

Reserach and Teaching Associate at the Department of Science, Crisis & Risk Communication at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ), University of Zurich (2013-2017)

Professional Actvities

Editorial board member of New Media and Society, Communication Theory, Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Rauchfleisch, A., Tseng, T. H., Kao, J. J., & Liu, Y. T. (2022). Taiwan’s Public Discourse About Disinformation: The Role of Journalism, Academia, and Politics. Journalism Practice, 1-21.
  2. Nachman, L., Rauchfleisch, A., & Hioe, B. (2022). How China divides the left: competing transnational left-wing alternative media on Twitter. Media and Communication, 10(3), 50-63.
  3. Schwaiger, L., Schneider, J., Rauchfleisch, A., & Eisenegger, M. (2022). Mindsets of conspiracy: A typology of affinities towards conspiracy myths in digital environments. Convergence, 13548565221106427.
  4. Rauchfleisch, A., Siegen, D., & Vogler, D. (2021). How COVID-19 Displaced Climate Change: Mediated Climate Change Activism and Issue Attention in the Swiss Media and Online Sphere. Environmental Communication, 1–9.
  5. Weston, M. J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2021). Close to Beijing: Geographic Biases in People’s Daily. Media and Communication, 9(3), 59–73.
  6. Rauchfleisch, A., Schäfer, M. S., & Siegen, D. (2021). Beyond the ivory tower: Measuring and explaining academic engagement with journalists, politicians and industry representatives among Swiss professors. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0251051.
  7. Rauchfleisch, A., Vogler, D., & Eisenegger, M. (2021). Public Sphere in Crisis Mode: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Influenced Public Discourse and User Behaviour in the Swiss Twitter-sphere. Javnost - The Public, 28(2), 129–148.
  8.  Kaiser, J., Rauchfleisch, A., & Cordova, Y. (2021). Fighting Zika With Honey: An Analysis of YouTube’s Video Recommendations on Brazilian YouTube. International Journal of Communication, 15, 19.
  9. Rauchfleisch, A., & Kaiser, J. (2020). The False positive problem of automatic bot detection in social science research. PLOS ONE, 15(10), e0241045.
  10. Kaiser, J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2020). Birds of a Feather Get Recommended Together: Algorithmic Homophily in YouTube’s Channel Recommendations in the United States and Germany. Social Media + Society, 6(4), 205630512096991.
  11. Rauchfleisch, A., Vogler, D., & Eisenegger, M. (2020). Transnational News Sharing on Social Media: Measuring and Analysing Twitter News Media Repertoires of Domestic and Foreign Audience Communities. Digital Journalism, 8(9), 1206–1230.
  12. Rauchfleisch, A., & Kaiser, J. (2020). The German Far-right on YouTube: An Analysis of User Overlap and User Comments. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(3), 373–396.
  13. Rauchfleisch, A., & Chi, J. (2020). Untangling Taiwan’s Hybridity With Structural Dysfunctions. Social Media + Society, 6(3), 205630512094765.
  14. Kaiser, J., Rauchfleisch, A., & Bourassa, N. (2020). Connecting the (Far-)Right Dots: A Topic Modeling and Hyperlink Analysis of (Far-)Right Media Coverage during the US Elections 2016. Digital Journalism, 8(3), 422–441.
  15. Rauchfleisch, A., & Metag, J. (2020). Beyond normalization and equalization on Twitter: Politicians’ Twitter use during non-election times and influences of media attention. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 9(2), 169–189.
  16. Kargar, S., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2019). State-aligned trolling in Iran and the double-edged affordances of Instagram. New Media & Society, 21(7), 1506–1527.
  17. Kaiser, J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2019). Integrating Concepts of Counterpublics into Generalised Public Sphere Frameworks: Contemporary Transformations in Radical Forms. Javnost - The Public, 26(3), 241–257.
  18. Arlt, D., Rauchfleisch, A., & Schäfer, M. S. (2019). Between Fragmentation and Dialogue. Twitter Communities and Political Debate About the Swiss “Nuclear Withdrawal Initiative.” Environmental Communication, 13(4), 440–456.
  19. Rauchfleisch, A., & Schäfer, M. S. (2018). Structure and development of science communication research: Co-citation analysis of a developing field. Journal of Science Communication, 17(03), A07.
  20. Rauchfleisch, A., & Schäfer, M. S. (2018). Climate change politics and the role of China: A window of opportunity to gain soft power? International Communication of Chinese Culture, 5(1–2), 39–59.
  21. Kovic, M., Rauchfleisch, A., Sele, M., & Caspar, C. (2018). Digital astroturfing in politics: Definition, typology, and countermeasures. Studies in Communication Sciences, 18(1).
  22. Schäfer, M. S., Füchslin, T., Metag, J., Kristiansen, S., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2018). The different audiences of science communication: A segmentation analysis of the Swiss population’s perceptions of science and their information and media use patterns. Public Understanding of Science, 27(7), 836–856.
  23. Kovic, M., Rauchfleisch, A., Metag, J., Caspar, C., & Szenogrady, J. (2017). Brute force effects of mass media presence and social media activity on electoral outcome. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 14(4), 348–371.
  24. Rauchfleisch, A., Artho, X., Metag, J., Post, S., & Schäfer, M. S. (2017). How journalists verify user-generated content during terrorist crises. Analyzing Twitter communication during the Brussels attacks. Social Media + Society, 3(3), 205630511771788.
  25. Rauchfleisch, A. (2017). The public sphere as an essentially contested concept: A co-citation analysis of the last 20 years of public sphere research. Communication and the Public, 2(1), 3–18.
  26. Metag, J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2017). Journalists’ Use of Political Tweets: Functions for journalistic work and the role of perceived influences. Digital Journalism, 5(9), 1155–1172.
  27. Rauchfleisch, A., & Metag, J. (2016). The special case of Switzerland: Swiss politicians on Twitter. New Media & Society, 18(10), 2413–2431.
  28. Rauchfleisch, A., & Kovic, M. (2016). The Internet and Generalized Functions of the Public Sphere: Transformative Potentials From a Comparative Perspective. Social Media + Society, 2(2), 205630511664639.
  29. Rauchfleisch, A., & Schäfer, M. S. (2015). Multiple public spheres of Weibo: A typology of forms and potentials of online public spheres in China. Information, Communication & Society, 18(2), 139–155.
  30. Matthes, J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2013). The Swiss “Tina Fey Effect”: The Content of Late-Night Political Humor and the Negative Effects of Political Parody on the Evaluation of Politicians. Communication Quarterly, 61(5), 596–614.

Art editor Img


Assistant Professor

Contact Number: (02)33663121


Teaching Field: Seminar in Media Sociology, Cultural Studies, Qualitative Research, Communication Theories

Research Expertise: New Media & Civic Engagement, platformisation of communication and everyday life, public service media, and the democratisation of mass culture.



2018   Loughborough University          the UK              PhD in Mass Communication

2008   National Taiwan University       Taipei, Taiwan  MA in Journalism


Work Experiences and Positions

2021.8-2022.7 Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN

Project-Appointed Assistant Professor

Department of Mass Communication, Tamkang University, Taipei, TAIWAN

Assistant Professor


Teaching Courses

Advanced Research Methods in Social Sciences (Doctoral Programme)

Introduction to cultural and creative industries (MA degree module)

Cross-media marketing communication (MA degree module)

Communication and corporate social responsibility

Cultural & Creative Industries

New Media & Social Initiative

Graduate project-independent study and exhibition

Communication theories

News writing and Editing


​Awards and Honors

2020Excellence in Teaching Award, Tamkang University, TAIWAN

2017-2018 Chiang Chingkuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

2016 Santander Mobility Award Loughborough University

2015 John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarship (Loughborough University)

2014Santander Funding for Travel Awards and Research Collaboration (Loughborough University)

2013-2016  Government Scholarships for Overseas Study (GSOS), the Ministry of Education, Taiwan


Research interests

Digital media & audience studies, platformization of civic engagement, public service media, and the democratisation of mass culture.



Journal Articles (Published in Chinese Journals unless noted)

Data activism: the initiatives, practices and connection of NGO workers and Open Source communities in a platformized civil society,

Tsai, H. (2022). Platform Capitalism: Spectacle and Crisis of Platformized Cultural Industries. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies. p.209-2017.

Tsai, H. & Lin, Y. (2021).Precarious Media Labor in the Era of Post COVID-19: Rethinking the Supporting Policy for Film and TV Industry in Globally and in Taiwan. Mass Communication Research. 148:1-46.

Tsai, H. (2021).Contextualizing the phenomenon of Big Data: A Looming Crisis of Monopolies in the Global Media & Big Tech. Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies. 18(1): 89-130

Tsai, H. (2020). Audience Commodity in the Age of Streaming Services: An Analysis of Netflix Binge-Watching and the Associated Audience Labor through Critical Political Economy of Communications (CEPC) Approach.Chinese Journal of Communication Research. 37: 83-112

Book Chapters (Published in Chinese unless noted)

TSAI, H. (2022). Critical Visual Literacy in the Digital Media Era. in Wei-Ching Wang, Yu-Peng Lin, Li-Jung Wang. (Ed)., Digital Communication Literacy Education in the AI Era. (pp. 233-255) Wunan, Taipei

TSAI, H.(2021).Towards Critical Data Research: Rethinking Information and Platform Monopolies. in;Liu, Chang-de & Feng, chien-san. (Ed)., Communication is Understanding: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Cross-Strait Media Issues. (pp. 233-255) , Taipei: NCCU COM Research & Development Center.

Yu-Peng Lin & Hui-Ju Tsai (2020). Indie music as cool ambassadors? The international dimension of music policy in Taiwan, 2010-2017. In Eva Tsai, E., Ho, T. & Jian, M. (Ed.), Made in Taiwan: Studies in Popular Music. (pp.171-188). Routledge Global Popular Music Series. (English)

Hui-Ju Tsai & Yu-Peng Lin (2018). Neoliberalised development of cultural policies in Taiwan and a case of the Taiwanese film industry in a creative industries model. In Durrer, V., Miller, T. & O’Brien, D. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy. (pp.449-467). London: Routledge. (English)

Tsai, H. (2016). Fighting the Neoliberalised Media Market & State Interference: The Interdependency of the Taiwan PTS and Civil Society Organisations. In Lowe & Yamamoto (Ed.), Public Service Media Across Borders and Boundaries, RIPE@2015. (pp. 121-135). Goteborg: Nordicom. (English)

Conference Papers

Hui-Ju TSAI & Yu-Peng LIN (2022, May). Data Activism in Taiwan: The Practice and Connection of NGO Workers and Open Source Communities in a Platformized Civil Society. 72th International Communication Association Conference: Hybrid 72nd Annual ICA Conference One World, One Network‽ , Paris, France.

Yu-Peng Lin & Hui-Ju TSAI (2021, September 27-28). New Challenges of Public Service Media in a Streaming Era: The Case of PTS+ in Taiwan. RIPE@2021: “Public Service Media’s Contribution to Society”, Online Conference,  Fribourg, Switzerland.

Hui-Ju TSAI & Yu-Peng Lin (2021, March). Neoliberalised cultural policy-making: the case of music-export policy in Taiwan since 2010. The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2020) “Resilience of Cultural Policy”, Online Conference, Kyoto Japan.

Hui-Ju TSAI & Yu-Peng Lin (2019, Dec). How does public service media survive the competition from new streaming services? The case of PTS+ in Taiwan. SUBSCRIPTION VIDEO-ON-DEMAND IN EAST ASIA: ITS IMPACT ON REGIONAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MEDIA CONTENTS, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan.

Yu-Peng LIN & Hui-Ju TSAI (2019, Jul). How Facebook Transformed News Production and Distribution: An Examination of News Media Organizations and Social Media Curators in Taiwan. IAMCR 2019, Madrid, Spain.

Yu-Peng LIN & Hui-Ju TSAI (2019, May). National funding for supporting indiemusic? How Taiwanese government promotes music industry globally, 2011-2017. 69th International Communication Association Conference, Washington, D.C. USA.

Hui-Ju Tsai (2017, Aug). After the Neoliberal Reform: Creative Industries in Taiwan. the 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association: (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities., Athens, Greece.

Hui Ju, Tsai (2016, Nov). The Rapid and Continuing Expansion of the Creative Industries Sector in Taiwan: How Is the Cultural Policymaking on Putting the Cart Before the Horse? . the ECREA 2016, 6th European Communication Conference , Prague, the Czech Republic.

Hui-Ju, Tsai (2016, July). Neoliberal legislation of creative industries policy in Taiwan . the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research 2016. , Sookmyung Women’s University. Seoul, Korea.